Realizowane projekty Strona główna / Realizowane projekty / Międzynarodowe / AFIS(ZA) / Konferencja w Kownie (LITWA) 


Program konferencji


Conference of  „AFIS(ZA): Active Framework of Intercultural Solidarity (Zenith of Ageing)“   Project  „Sociality, communities, volunteering and lifelong learning. How are these related?  Experience of Community Centres and Universities of the Third Age in Lithuania and Poland“


Conference location: Petrašiūnai community center, Betonuotojų g.4, Kaunas

Conference date: 20th of May, 2015, Wednesday

Conference time: from 16.00 to 20.00 o’clock

Conference language: Russian. Supplementary language: English.

Participants: Petrašiūnai Community Center (PBC) - the director and 4 volunteers of the project; Kaunas community centers Association (KBCA) - Chairman of the Board and the Administrator; representatives of 10 community centers in Kaunas; prof. dr. of Social sciences I. Leliūgienė; director of M. Čobotas Third Age University Kaunas Department (M. Čoboto TAU) and music, theology, sports faculty deans; representatives of Third Age University in Bialystok (Bialystok TAU): President; Projects’ Director and Deputy Director and 6 volunteers of the project.
Presentations duration: 15 minutes + / - 5 minutes. Discussions duration: 20 min. + / - 5 minutes. Moderator: Petrašiūnai community center representative


I. Leliūgienė: "Volunteering as a quality of life"

2. KBCA: “Community centers’ movement in Lithuania - history, lessons and challenges "

3. PBC: "The first community center’s in Lithuania volunteering and lifelong learning experience. What is a community    activity?”

4. KBCA: "Volunteering in community centers – sort of lifelong learning?” Discussions. Break
5. Project AFIS(ZA) experience in Poland: tell volunteers of PBC

6. Project AFIS(ZA) experience in Lithuania: tell volunteers of Bialystok TAU Discussions. Break
7. I. Leliūgienė: "Educational innovations’ expression in the community."

8. M. Čoboto TAU: "Third Age Universities in Lithuania. Mr Čoboto TAU history and experience.”

9. Bialystok TAU: "Third Age Universities in Poland. Bialystok TAU history and experience.”



Conference of „AFIS(ZA): Active Framework of Intercultural Solidarity (Zenith of Ageing)“ Project „Sociality, communities, volunteering and lifelong learning. How are these related? Experience of Community Centres and Universities of the Third Age in Lithuania and Poland“    (czas wyświetlania 00:26:11)



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